Outsourcing of payroll in the cities of Lviv and Kyiv and across Ukraine.
Our company's activity begins with payroll outsourcing services to educational institutions in the city of Lviv since 1993. We started with twelve schools with a total of 1,380 employees. At that time, part of the educational institutions had a chief accountant and an accountant-cashier and the most complicated type of payroll. And even then the problem of confidential access to salary cards arose.
All accruals and deductions were calculated using a calculator and entered into cardboard annual cards. The cards were sent once a month to the computing center of the statistics management for the formation of information and settlement cards of employees. In addition to the usual charges, it was necessary to recalculate part of the previous month's charges in the middle of the next month, and there were a number of additional payments: replacements, for classrooms, for notebooks, for offices, and so on. Also, it was necessary to recalculate the already accrued salary almost every month. Practically all the input information for calculating wages was reduced to the processing of the report card with substitutions and passes and the amounts of accrued vacation and sick leave at the initial stage. That is, the possibility of calculation errors and the burden on the chief accountant was significantly reduced. More details about the automation of the salary project in educational institutions.
More details about the positive features of cooperation with our company:
For almost thirty years, the calculation of wages was only complicated due to frequent changes in legislation and reporting forms. At this stage, it is not even easy to make a report. Significant fines under Article 265 of the Labor Code and Article 41 of the Labor Code for errors require the employer to organize the correct calculation and timely payment of wages. Checking the ready-made salary calculated by specialists, the statement ready for filling in the bank, the ready-made report on the EES is not something to do yourself. There is also a need to consult or insure your accountant or clerk in critical situations: sick leave, vacation, or other reasons. In fact, replacing the second accountant with the services of an outsourcing company, your company is supported by a whole group of personnel and tax accounting and record keeping specialists. Saving money and nerve cells. In order to make a high-quality salary in the accounting program, you need the constant support of programmers. At first, we made payroll in our program, and then for almost thirty years we have been making the best accounting programs for ourselves. All the time something changes in the legislation or in the forms of reports. In order to calculate vacation or sick leave, you must first once again study the legislation, collect the basis of calculations for the employee, and take into account the exclusions. If you calculate how much money will have to be spent on the salary of the second accountant and his workplace, on software and support and constant improvement, then it will be cheaper and more reliable to transfer part of the work to outsourcing specialists. More details about the benefits of payroll outsourcing:
List of possibilities of the payroll process:
More details about the composition of payroll outsourcing operations:
1. Data processing time is 2-3 days.
Many years of experience in the field of payroll outsourcing allow us to highlight the following advantages. Running a salary project on a server site provides the desired confidentiality and avoidance of conflicts between employees. A user account is created on the site, in which information is dynamically displayed according to the authority in the "365/24" mode. The cabinet is adapted for a mobile phone. The employee has access only to personal accruals, deductions and payments from the beginning of the provision of services.
Salary projects are conducted in a completely confidential mode. No confidential information that would allow identification of the employee or the employer is entered into the databases of the offices. The basis of identification is a virtual eight-digit identification number. All calculations are tied to this number. Accordingly, the site does not contain any personal data that would allow identification of the employee or employer.
If you want to learn more about cooperation with our company, then by clicking the "ANSWERS" button, you will receive more information. " EK PAYROLL" allows you to familiarize yourself with the working demo version of the employee's office. "EK SERVICES" allows you to familiarize yourself with the demo working version of the service user's personal account. "PRICES" allows you to familiarize yourself with the current prices for the company's services. "ORDER" allows you to apply for the company's services.
The services of the outsourcing company allow you to smooth out the burden on the client's accounting department. It remains for your specialist to check the ready-made documents prepared by our specialists: payroll, information, reports, files for depositing in the bank and for submitting a report on the EES. The price for payroll outsourcing in the cities of Lviv and Kyiv and throughout Ukraine depends on the number of employees and the quality of cooperation. Qualitatively prepared payroll data allows you to reduce the price of our services. Our company specializes in payroll outsourcing to companies with a chief accountant and a large number of employees. For such customers, due to technologies for processing a large array of data, we can offer the best price on the market.